3-Point Perspective Drawing of Beautiful Future or Present Architecture

3-point perspective drawing offering three vanishing points (VPs). There are two of them along the horizon, (this is like two-point drawing), but there is also a third VP. That can be located either above the horizon (at the zenith) or below the horizon (the nadir). The one the person will choose is depending on the area he/ she is intending to draw. And the main difference in these types of drawings are the lines. In one-point perspective, lines are presented vertical, horizontal or recede toward the vanishing point. The two-point drawing has lines which are horizontal or recede toward one of the two vanishing points. But, in three-point perspective there are many lines all recede toward one of the three vanishing points.3-Point Perspective Drawing of Beautiful Future or Present Architecture

3-Point Perspective Drawing

Three vanishing points in three point perspective drawing are making a triangle, with the viewer’s center of vision roughly in the middle.


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