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”The Delight I Get Out of Doing Buildings is to Say: It Can be Built” : In Conversation with Peter Cook

February 5, 2022 Rebecca Ildikó Leete 0

‘’The delight I get out of doing buildings is to say: Screw you, it can be built’’ says Architect Peter Cook in conversation with Louisiana Channel, where he discusses his determination to communicate ideas through vivid Architectural drawings and the skepticism he has faced in regards to his ambitious design proposals and their outlandish appearance.

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Architectural Studies: Establishing a New Form of Architect

January 29, 2022 Rebecca Ildikó Leete 0

What exactly is Architectural Studies ? A controversial method of Architectural study, the subject encompasses every element of architectural education for extensive understanding yet does not comply with RIBA accreditation. This includes elements of design for the understanding of plans/architectural drawings, but it does not continue to prioritize this in later stages of the degree. The rigorous study of every aspect of Architecture within the engineering field, predominantly focused on research rather than design and build.

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What is a Digital Twin?

January 22, 2022 Rebecca Ildikó Leete 0

The emergence of the Digital Twin phenomenon has heralded a great change in terms of urban planning. It essentially presents the city as dynamic, in virtual form. Ensuring every element from the historic fabric, new construction, and public transit is accounted for in one three-dimensional model. Not only does it present key elements in terms of the landscape, but it also encompasses often overlooked conditions such as the presence of light throughout the day, shadows, and the presence of vegetation and trees. All of which contribute to a better preliminary process of site analysis.